Published on 14 December 2023
Below is information published by NSW Health regarding our region's recent Heat Wave and Hot Temperatures.
This summer is predicted to be very hot. Extreme heat or heatwaves are periods of unusually hot weather. In Australia, extreme heat events are responsible for more deaths than all other natural hazard events (bushfires, floods etc.) combined.
The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a severe heatwave warning for parts of NSW from mid this week and into this weekend. You can find out more information about how to keep babies and children safe in the heat here.
With hot weather coming, it's important to plan ahead and be prepared. NSW Health has a range of resources to share with your communities about the need to have a plan as well as tips to stay cool in the heat.
These resources include:
• ‘Beat the Heat’ factsheet (for everyone)
• ‘Beat the Heat’ factsheet (for babies and young children)
• ‘Beat the Heat’ posters
• ‘Beat the Heat’ social tiles
Click here for ‘Beat the Heat’ resources in 10 different languages