Published on 13 July 2021

What do we mean by inclusive activities? Or more specifically inclusive? Inclusive by simple terms means to include everyone, not limiting to certain people or based on their capabilities. Inclusive activities usually mean activities that include all people regardless of their abilities or capabilities. A better way to describe inclusive is all abilities activities. Why shouldn’t all activities be inclusive?  

Some may find it difficult to carry out certain activities or perhaps may complete activities in different ways. Some feel deterred in taking part in activities as they feel intimidated or cannot participate in a way that is perhaps expected. Businesses and people of Camden are becoming increasingly aware that everyone has different ways in being able to approach activities. We have compiled a snapshot of activities/businesses that provide either all-inclusive or all abilities classes.

All Inclusive- All Abilities Activities

These activities are available for all and accommodate all needs, but are also open for anyone

Everyone Can Dance – Dance Class

Sharon Veness Quiet Kids Art Class

Expressions Dance Academy -Dance

Mess it up - sensory playgroup

Special Needs Specific Activities

These classes have been developed specifically to cater for additional supports or needs

Scorpion Allstars - Cheerleading

Prodigy Performing Arts - Dance

Macarthur MAGIC Football

My Time Play/Support Group

If we haven’t listed your activity here, please reach out, we would love to hear from you. We also want to hear what all abilities activities you would like to see more of in Camden. Give us a call on 4654 7879 or email on

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