Published on 14 January 2022
In the past 2 years, with remote learning and working from home arrangements, modern technology has been a beneficial tool in continuing our learning, communicating and leisure experiences. The internet is a great tool for us to use everyday, however as we continue to increase our online world use, there are risks in doing so. Keeping our children safe online is more critical than ever. Risks that children can face online include cyberbullying, grooming, excessive technology usage and inappropriate content sharing. We don't always know who we are really talking to online and that is why it is important we exercise cyber safety practices.
Being aware of the risks as an adult is important but also supporting your young person to also understand the dangers and safety issues when online. eSafety Commissioner is Australia’s national independent regulator for online safety. They offer a range of helpful tools for parents, children, educators, young people and elderly on how to remain safe online and what to do if danger presents. Below are some useful resources from eSafety Commissioner, including booklets, posters, interactive tools and webinars.